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Harms of pornography. Porn is harmful
- porn videos and images doesn't publishing on biliver

Porn shrinks the brain.
In scientific studies, it was determined that the brains of those who watched pornography containing a large amount of sexually explicit sex scenes had shrinkage. The brain is an organ that is affected by and directs hormones. The pituitary, called the orchestra conductor of hormones, is located just below the brain and is connected with the brain. The brain is where the hormonal system and nervous system communicate with each other. That's why scientific data, Endocrinology and Metabolism Specialist Prof. Dr. Reviewed by Selcuk Can.

In the study conducted in Germany, the brains of 64 men who had the habit of watching pornography were examined with a magnetic imaging device MR. This MRI device was much more advanced than the one used in our country, and it also gave information about the functioning of the brain and the communication between brain regions. It was determined that those who had the habit of pornography had a loss of volume in the right caudate region of the brain, the connection between the right and left side of the brain was negatively affected, and the function of the left putamen, which is responsible for responding to sexual stimuli, decreased.

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